(A Comprehensive Collection of Quotes about Teachers and Teaching That Can Be Used as Retirement
Quotes in Teacher Retirement Speeches and Teacher Retirement Letters)

Teacher Retirement Quotes
Retirement Sayings
One of the most satisfying times for a teacher is when after years of teaching he or she
announces their retirement through a retirement letter and then makes a retirement speech sprinkled
with retirement jokes at a retirement party
announcing that they are about to be retiring happy even though they are not yet
eligible for Social Security.
This collection of retirement quotes for teachers can be used in a tribute to a teacher.
If you are a teacher, you may want to use some of these teacher retirement quotes in your
retirement letter or retirement speech to
show that you have confidence that you are doing everything possible to retire with class.
NOTE: See also retirement wishes and retirement sentiments on The Retirement
Someone once said, "There are two good reasons to be a teacher — July and August." In fact, there
are three good reasons to be a teacher. The third reason is retirement.
— Unknown wise person
Teacher's Retirement Motto: I Used to Teach. Now I Have No Class.
— Unknown wise retiree
George Burns said, "The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have
the two as close together as possible." The same applies to a teacher retirement speech.
— Dave Erhard
A good teacher is like a candle — it consumes itself to light the way for others.
— Unknown wise person
Housework is a breeze. Cooking is a pleasant diversion. Putting up a retaining wall is a lark. But teaching
is like climbing a mountain.
— Fawn M. Brodie
One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our
human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the
growing plant and for the soul of the child.
— Carl Jung
I wish to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to you for your cooperation, understanding, and
support during my employment here. I would also like to express my appreciation to my fellow teachers and other
colleagues for their support and friendship throughout my stay here.
— Excerpt from a retirement
letter for teachers
Old teachers never die; they just grade away.
— Unknown wise person
The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the
threshold of your mind.
—Kahlil Gibran
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
— Henry Brooks Adams
The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The
tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people.
— K. Patricia Cross
Retirement is the beginning of life — not the end.
— from How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
The World's Best Retirement
for Teachers and Non-Teachers

What office is there which involves more responsibility, which requires more qualifications, and which
ought, therefore, to be more honourable, than that of teaching?
— Harriet Martineau
Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.
— John Cotton Dana
The secret of teaching is to appear to have known all your life what you just learned this
— Unknown wise person
The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher.
— Elbert Hubbard
The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.
— Author Unknown
Often, when I am reading a good book, I stop and thank my teacher. That is, I used to, until she got
an unlisted number.
— Unknown wise person
A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their
own image.
— Unknown wise person
What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.
— Karl Menninger
If you don't want to be a teacher, you'd better get off this planet.
— from Messiah's Handbook by Richard Bach
Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.
— Jacques Barzun
Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been
— B. F. Skinner
A school should not be a preparation for life. A school should be life.
— Elbert Hubbard
The teacher should never lose his temper in the presence of the class. If a
man, he may take refuge in profane soliloquies; if a woman, she may follow the example of one sweet-faced and
apparently tranquil girl — go out in the yard and gnaw a post.
— William Lyon Phelps
Don't try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes
the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers too, have
— Marva Collins
The chief wonder of education is that it does not ruin everybody concerned in it,
teachers and taught.
— Henry Adams
An education obtained with money is worse than no education at all.
— Socrates
You may be a redneck if . . . . you have spent more on your pickup truck
than on your education.
— Jeff Foxworthy
There is no real teacher who in practise does not believe in the existence of the soul,
or in a magic that acts on it through speech.
— Allan Bloom
The teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural
phenomena. In our system, she must become a passive, much more than an active, influence, and her passivity
shall be composed of anxious scientific curiosity and of absolute respect for the phenomenon which she wishes
to observe. The teacher must understand and feel her position of observer: the activity must lie in the
— Maria Montessori (1870-1952), Italian educator. The Montessori Method, ch. 5 (1912). On the importance of
observation for the teacher,
The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires
self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciple.
— A. Bronson Alcott (1799-1888), U.S. educator, social reformer. Orphic Sayings, "The Teacher"
I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides
— Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"
Your best purchases in retirement [whether teacher or non-teacher] will turn out to be the
ones that you never made.
— from the book The
Joy of Not Working

Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater.
— Gail Godwin
In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work.
It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.
— Jacques Barzun
To know how to suggest is the great art of teaching. To attain it we must be able to
guess what will interest; we must learn to read the childish soul as we might a piece of music. Then, by simply
changing the key, we keep up the attraction and vary the song.
— Henri-Frédéric Amiel
The world of knowledge takes a crazy turn
When teachers themselves are taught to learn.
— Bertolt Brecht
Just because somebody drops in on you from another dimension, don't assume
they're wiser than you about anything at all, or that they can do anything better than you can do yourself.
Discarnate or mortal, what matters about people is what they know.
— from Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul
I'm not a teacher: only a fellow-traveller of whom you asked the way. I pointed ahead-
ahead of myself as well as you.
— George Bernard Shaw
A schoolmaster should have an atmosphere of awe, and walk wonderingly, as if he was
amazed at being himself.
— Walter Bagehot
A schoolteacher or professor cannot educate individuals, he educates only species.
— G. C. Lichtenberg
We schoolmasters must temper discretion with deceit.
— Evelyn Waugh
NOTE: Also see Funny Retirement Quotes on The
Retirement Quotes Cafe
Retiring is easy for teachers.
Staying happily retired, however — now that is the harder part of a successful

Can You Answer
- Once you retire, what are you going to do about your
identity that is so dependent on work?
- What should you say to your working partner — even
your parents — if you are retiring much earlier
than them?
- What will you do with your new-found leisure time if you
have never learned how to enjoy leisure activities?
- How will you relate to your relatives and friends who are
still working while you are living the life of an aristocrat, sometimes known as "The Life of
You Don't Have to
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by Ernie J. Zelinski — All Rights Reserved
of The World's Best Retirement