(Also Top-10 Retirement Quotes Relating
Reasons Why You Should Retire Early)

Retirement — particulary if we retire early — can be the best time of our lives.
The first part of many people's lives, unfortunately, is wasted on mostly boring work activities
and the last part is wasted on mostly boring activities in retirement with unfulfilled leisure pursuits. The
good news, however, is that many more individuals enjoy retirement than those who don't.
In short, you can feel whole and alive again at any age — young or old —provided
you indulge in active retirement activities and have an overriding purpose other than to just exist in
Fact is, you can retire early whether you retire at 35 or whether you retire at 65. You
can also retire early regardless of whether you collect Social Security and regardless of the new retirement age that various governments
around the world are trying to impose on their aging populations. With proper preparation, you can bid farewell to the corporate word and enjoy life
like you have never done before.
So, if you are asking yourself "Can I retire early?", here are the top-10 reasons to
take early retirement:
#1 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire
Instead of In Search of Excellence, your favorite book can now be In
Praise of Slowness.
#2 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire Early
Early retirement forces you to stop using the excuse that it is your job that is
holding you back from doing the things that you have always wanted to do.
#3 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire Early
Early retirement allows you to move to a smaller house knowing that you no longer have
to waste so much time, energy, and money trying to maintain the biggest house that your credit rating will allow.
Truth be known, a small house can hold as much happiness as a large one. Sometimes it will hold even more.
#4 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire Early
If you were a go-getter in the workplace, you no longer have to listen to co-workers
belittle your accomplishments with statements such as, "With your territory, anyone could be the number one
salesperson in the country."
#5 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire
You can lean back with your copy of the international bestseller
How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free and care not what happens because you
know how to retie happy. Retirement is the beginning of life —
not the end.
#6 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire
You can call your former co-workers while they are at work and tell them that you have
just got out of bed and might go back for a nap after your midday breakfast.
#7 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire
With all the extra time you have for friendship in retirement, you get to find out
that although money might make you wealthy, best
friends make you rich.
#8 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire
You can try out a fun retirement job — such as working as
as tourist bus driver at Banff in the Canadian Rockies — and then quit whenever it starts boring you.
#9 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire
You can now live by this motto: Didn't care yesterday. Didn't care today. Probably
won't care tomorrow.
#10 of Top-10 Reasons to Retire
Above all, it is a mistake to retire too late in life because you don’t get another chance to do it right! There
are great experiences that come from The Joy of Not
A Retirement Gift
The Retirement Quotes
Download the Free E-book (in PDF format) with 237 retirement quotes and retirement sayings
placed in over 40 categories at the link below:
237 Best Things Ever Said about Retirement
Top-10 Retirement Quotes Relating
to the Top-Ten Reasons to Retire Early

#1 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire
The joy of being retired is one of rediscovery — new
found time, new found freedom, a new routine, and renewed appreciation of what life is really about.
— A. Major
#2 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to
Retire Early
The way I see it, you will have attained true freedom in this world
when you can get up in the morning when you want to get up; go to sleep when you want to go to sleep; and in
the interval, work and play at the things you want to work and play — all at your own pace.
— from the book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
#3 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire
If you retire right, the only thing you will worry about is when to eat and when to
— Unknown wise person
#4 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire
My favorite thing [about retirement] was being able to stay up reading a Dean Koontz
thriller because I don't have to hit the floor running the next morning.
— Jackie Griffey
#5 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire Early
I used to be a lawyer. Now that I am finally retired from the profession, I have some
— On T-shirt
#6 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire
I'm retired — goodbye tension, hello pension!
— Unknown wise persons
#7 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire
In retirement, every day is Boss Day and every day is Employee Appreciation Day.
— Unknown wise person
#8 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire
The big difference is that now I decide when to start my day. Truth
be told, sometimes my day doesn't start until noon. Yes, I said it . . . noon!
— Unknown wise person
#9 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire
No longer having to punch a time clock is my definition of retirement.
That way I could do what I want — when I want — anytime I want.
— Brooky Brown
#10 Quote Relating to Top-Ten Reasons to Retire
I feel like early retirement is an incredible gift. It's a gift that everyone should give
themselves. There are so many fun things to do in
— Unknown wise person
5 Benefits of Retiring
1. More time to enjoy family and hobbies
2. The freedom to start a new career
3. Better health
4. Greater returns from pensions and Social Security
5. Prestige
5 Benefits of Retiring Early by Mark P.
The World's Best Retirement Book Will
Give You the Courage You Need to Retire Early
If you want to learn more about how to
retire happy, wild, and free including . . .
Why Retiring Too Late Means You Don't Get Another Chance
10 Youthful Activities Never Too Late to Pursue Unless You
Are Dead
How to Create a "Get-a-Life Tree" So
That You Don't Die of Boredom in
17 Secrets to a Happy Retirement Whether You Retire Early
or Take a Traditional Retirement
You must give
yourself the most important retirement gift that anyone can

- Over 425,000 Copies Sold
- Published in 9 Foreign Languages
Purchase on
by Ernie J. Zelinski — All
Rights Reserved
Author of The World's Best Book on